If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, you are not alone. A study conducted by National Smile Month suggested that 48% of adults are unhappy with their teeth with discolouration and stains being the main reason for feeling this way.

Teeth stains can have multiple causes, including tea, coffee, food and tobacco. Age also affects the colour of your teeth, because our enamel gets thinner as we age, which allows the dentin to show through.

The natural colour of teeth is a light yellow, but as we age, they tend to darken. There are several steps you can take to prevent stains from reoccurring on your teeth. For example, highly pigmented foods, acidic juices, caffeine and smoking can take their toll on the white shade of teeth, so they are best avoided. Brushing teeth after every meal, or at least meals where suspect foods and drinks are consumed, can mean you will have less chance of stains occurring.

Electric toothbrushes also work better than manual for those who are worried about staining. However, plaque removal comes down to the quality of the brushing rather than the toothbrush used. Using a tooth whitening toothpaste can help to give you a slightly brighter smile immediately after brushing, and finishing off your brushing routine with an antibacterial mouthwash will help to reduce plaque and stains.

Luckily, there are also a variety of products available on the market that can make discolouring and stains easy to remove from home, including the Dr Denti Disclosing Tablets and Smile Dental stain remover. The disclosing tablets should be used first for best results. The tablets should be chewed for a few seconds, which will reveal any tooth plaque and impacted food that has adhered to teeth. Effective tooth cleaning and brushing techniques can then be developed to ensure thorough removal of plaque and tooth stains.

Using Dr Denti Smile allows the natural brightness of your teeth to shine through, helping to disguise and remove deep set stains. If you have stained teeth because of smoking, caffeine, sticky foods and drinks, plaque or calculus, Dr Denti Stain Remover is ideal for you. For those with sensitive teeth or bleeding gums, it’s best to talk to your dentist before use.

Dr Denti Smile is an oil-free, dental prophylaxis paste that is designed and formulated to be used at home. Smile should not be used in replace of a toothpaste, and instead, should be used after you have brushed your teeth and used Dr Denti disclosing tablets. It is mildly abrasive to remove stubborn stains and is also used to polish teeth to a high shine.

Here at GAP Dental, we stock a range of Dr Denti products including Smile stain remover. For more information on any of the products we have available or to talk to a member of the GAP Dental team, get in touch today via our contact page or by giving us a call on 01474 560618.